
Technical Specifications

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They provide information on the underlying technology and architecture, including the hardware, software, networking, and other components that make up the product.Technical Specifications for AI Trader

1.Blockchain Architecture: Binance Smart Chain: The project is built on Binance Smart Chain and runs on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. This blockchain is known for its fast transaction speeds and low fees, making it a suitable choice for AI Trader.

2.Consensus Mechanism: AI Trader utilizes the PoS consensus mechanism, which is an energy-efficient alternative to Proof-of-Work (PoW) used in many other blockchains. PoS enables the project to run smoothly and securely.

▪️In the PoS network, miners do not compete for the right to add blocks.

▪️Proof-of-stake results in the network having more nodes.

▪️PoS network achieves scalability by establishing a consensus.

▪️Allows for the processing of thousands of requests.

▪️Per second with less than a millisecond latency spike.

3.Smart Contract Functionality:Contract Deployment: AI Trader's smart contract functionality allows for the deployment of contracts to the blockchain. This enables the creation of decentralized applications and services that can be securely stored and executed on the blockchain. Contract Interaction: The smart contracts in AI Trader can interact with each other and with external applications, providing a seamless experience for users.

4.Technical Innovations and Improvements: Scalability: The mainet architecture of AI Trader allows for greater scalability, allowing for more users and applications to be added to the platform. Streamlined Development: The Binance Smart Chain blockchain provides a streamlined development environment for AI Trader, allowing developers to easily build and deploy decentralized applications.

By incorporating these technical specifications, AI Trader is able to provide a secure and efficient platform for the development and deployment of decentralized applications and services. The combination of the Binance Smart Chain blockchain, the PoS consensus mechanism, and the smart contract functionality ensures that AI Trader is a cutting-edge solution for the blockchain industry.

#Block production

AI Trader block production is primarily managed by a single party, called the "sequencer," which helps the network by providing the following services:

  • Providing transaction confirmations and state updates.

  • Ethereum L1 and L2 interaction

  • The application is migrated to the mainnet(such as Ethereum and BSC)

For the moment, The AI Trader Foundation (opens new window)runs the only block producer. Refer to Protocol specs section for more information about how we plan to decentralize the Sequencer role in the future.

#Bridging assets between layers

AI Trader is designed so that users can send arbitrary messages between smart contracts on AI Trader and Other mainnets (such as Ethereum and bsc).

#Moving from Ethereum and BSC to AI Trader

In AI Trader terminology, transactions going from Other mainnets (such as Ethereum and bsc) are called deposits, even if they do not have any assets attached to them.

Last updated