Public Fullnode

You can run your own public fullnode to synchronize with the state of the AI Trader blockchain and stay up-to-date. Public fullnodes replicate the entire state of the blockchain by querying other AI Trader fullnodes (public fullnodes or validator fullnodes) or validators.

Alternatively, you can use the public fullnodes provided by AI Trader Labs. However, such AI Trader Labs-provided public fullnodes have rate limits, which can impede your development. By running your own public fullnode you can directly synchronize with the AI Trader blockchain and avoid such rate limits.

Public fullnodes can be run by anyone. This tutorial explains how to configure a public fullnode to connect to an AI Trader network.

Hardware requirements

We recommend the following hardware resources:

  • For running a production grade public fullnode:

    • CPU: 6 cores, 8 threads (Intel Xeon Skylake or newer).

    • Memory: 16GB RAM.

  • For running the public fullnode for development or testing:

    • CPU: 2 cores.

    • Memory: 2GB RAM.


role: "full_node"

data_dir: "/opt/AItrader/data"


from_file: "/opt/AItrader/etc/waypoint.txt"


genesis_file_location: "/opt/AItrader/etc/genesis.blob"


  • network_id: "public"

  • discovery_method: "onchain"

  • listen_address: "/ip4/"



true address: ""

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