AI Trader Web3

AI trader and Web3

AI Trardr is an encryption protocol based on web3. The main chain has many features, such as: Decentralization



Payment rails


Censorship resistance

Blockchain and encryption are essential for Web3.

The vision of Web3 is that of the next step toward a better internet. Its central promises include making online platforms decentralized, trustless, and permissionless. It could also bring about digital ownership, digital-native payments, and censorship-resistance as a new standard of Web products and services.

Blockchain and crypto are perfectly positioned to become essential technologies of Web3 because they are inherently decentralized, permitting anyone to record information on-chain, tokenize assets, and create digital identities.

Blockchain and crypto are often considered to be the among the technologies that are most likely to usher in the Web3 revolution because they are designed to facilitate decentralized, permissionless, and trustless interactions. In addition, blockchain technology and digital assets do not rival other key components of Web – such as AR, VR, and the internet of things – as they are likely to yield the most promising solutions when combined with one another.

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